

When your child has diarrhea try and stick to a bland diet, there is no need to be terribly restrictive, unless your child is vomiting (see above), but if you find that certain foods make it worse then stay off those foods for a few days. The BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast) diet alone isn’t recommended anymore because it does not provide enough nutrition for a child with Gastroenteritis and does not make the symptoms go away any faster.

If the diarrhea has lasted >3-4 days you can introduce a probiotic (Culturelle or Florastor kids) and remove dairy from the diet for a week.

Warning: Do not use anti-diarrhea medications unless directed by your doctor.

When to call/seek further medical attention:
If your child vomits green like the color of a Christmas tree or blood
If your child has not urinated in >8hours (not including overnight)
Bloody diarrhea
diarrhea lasting > 10 days
severe abdominal pain
nighttime vomiting that improves during the day
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